02.09.09 16:16 Il y a: 3 yrs

WCC supports church-government dialogue in Fiji


The World Council of Churches Central Committee urged the Methodist Church in Fiji to engage in dialogue with the interim government of the Pacific island.


In a “Minute on the situation facing the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma” passed on 2 September, the WCC central committee commends the Church for its careful and measured response to the actions taken against it by the interim government.


After the elected Fiji government was overthrown by a military coup in December 2006, the Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma protested against the illegality of the interim government and refused to take part in processes initiated by it concerning the future of Fiji. Since May 2009 the interim government banned the church from holding its annual conference, its annual choir festival and also arrested and charged nine Methodist ministers.


Full text of the minute "On the situation facing the Methodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma"